Kelly Pearce | Artist

Kelly Pearce | Artist

Kelly Pearce is a visual artist working mainly in painting. Currently focused on oil painting, in abstract and semi abstract styles, predominantly with landscape as her subject.

Kelly works from studio space in Te Atamira, Remarkables Park Frankton. Dividing her time between her farm studio in Western Southland, and her Queenstown home.

Paintings can be viewed by appointment in Queenstown, on her website at and can also from The Artist's Room Fine Art Gallery, Dowling St Dunedin. 034741111 

In home consultations in Queenstown and surrounds by arrangement. See the work on your own walls. Please get in touch via email.  Small paintings can also be purchased directly from Kelly's online shop here.

Select works available at The Skin Institute Queenstown, Remarkables Park.

Kelly’s work is regularly included in group shows in Arrowtown, Queenstown and Wanaka, Including Te Atamira, Queenstown Art Society, Arrowtown Museum Gallery & Wanaka arts. 


Best landscape |Craigs Aspiring Art Awards Wanaka 2023                                                                   Art200 award |Wanaka Arts Labour Weekend Exhibition 2023                                       Supreme Award |Queenstown Art Centre Awards 2020.

Guest artist |Craigs Aspiring Art Awards 2024

Te Wāhi Toi - User photo

Kelly Pearce

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